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Telos LRF
Telos LRF

Table of contents

Quick Menu

The quick menu is used to quickly access the settings for brightness, contrast, and amplification modes.

  • Enter the menu by briefly pressing the MENU (11).
  • A short press of the MENU (11) button enables you to toggle between functions, as described below.

Brightness  – press the UP (10)/DOWN (12) buttons to change display brightness from 0 to 20.

Contrast  – press the UP (10)/DOWN (12) buttons to change image contrast from 0 to 20.

Amplification Levels  – allows you to select one of three amplifying levels of sensitivity (Normal , High , Ultra ).

Note: To maintain brightness and contrast settings when changing amplifying levels, activate User Mode.

  • Press and hold the MENU (11) button to exit the menu or wait for 10 seconds to exit automatically.